How to Edit a Fake ID Template: The Ultimate Guide

What you will need to Edit the Fake ID Template?

Two things, photo editor software capable of editing PSD image files and the correct font file(s).

Photo software editors like Adobe Photoshop, Corel, and some others. When unsure, if your installed imaging software will suffice, just try and open the template file with it. When you get an error the file format is not supported you can buy the software online or use a free online PSD file editor such as photopea or freephototool.

Download Adobe Photoshop Free here!

Before you unzip the id template

Prior to unzipping ensure you scan with your anti-virus. Normally by right-clicking the zipped template file you will see an option to scan with your AV software. Even when nothing is detected be cautious of opening any file extension that is not a PSD file or extension you do not recognize. Moreover, never click on a .exe file as they have no business being in a zipped id template.

You don’t have to worry about our templates for viruses 🙂

Unzip the template file

Ensure you unzip to where you can find it preferably to your desktop. Yes, the PSD template files can be very large and that is not abnormal. Some idiots even make the PSD file so large it can freeze up the memory on many computers making the template unable to open. By chance this happens your only option is to say goodbye and delete the file. Good template files will include the font(s) required to match the real issued id card. More than likely you will not already have the font. Many states use a font that is not common to make it just a tiny bit harder on those who want to make a fake.

How to Edit a fake id template guide step by step

Font or no font

Look for font files before you open the id template to avoid errors importing the file to your image editor. When the file contains the fonts and you are using a windows operating system do the following. Click the start button, type in “font”, click the “fonts” folder in the results. Should look like the image to the left and drop the font file(s) from the template folder into the fonts folder. Henblack005 has never used an online free editor, so we do not know how a free editor will handle the font issue. Assumption is you will be stuck using the fonts the free editor has to choose from.

What to do when the card template file does not include the fonts?

There are only two possible scenarios. First, your template requires the font, it is missing from the zip file to install, and you must find it online. This is not cheap, if you go the honest Abe way. For example going to you have to register an account and pay with a credit card to join their lame “Creative Cloud subscription” all to just obtain the one font you need.

Template files are often designed to be used with the real matching font, but neglected to be included in the zip file. You will find this out as soon as you open the file in the image editor, receive an error that a required file (the font file) is missing, and asking you, if you wish to proceed. Click ok and proceed.

OR you could simply check out our Free collection of Fonts for editing 🙂

At this point you have two choices.

First, proceed and find the closest font you have that matches. You can do this by clicking the text button and type in several of the exact words like the cardholder’s name. Next, align the typed text above, or below the text, you cloned, and size the text to be the same as on the text you cloned. Now, highlight the text in the text box, and go through your drop-down menu of available fonts to see which one is closest. As you switch fonts in the drop-down you should see the text font change on the template text you typed.

Second, search google for example “California driver license font” and see, if any results show you the font name used. When you can not find the font searching online you can do another search Google “identify font help”. Numerous font sites will aid you to find the font name by answering questions and picking out letter image characteristics that are like the font you are seeking.

Fake ID Editing: The Photoshop Workspace

Opening Files:

Open files by selecting File > Open from the menu bar, or pressing Ctrl-O Command. You can select and open multiple files by holding down Ctrl Command and clicking on all the files you require in the file dialog box same as you would do when selecting multiple files on windows.

Saving Files:

Save a file by selecting File > Save, or pressing Ctrl-S Command. For a newly-created document, this will save your work in Photoshop Document (PSD) format. If you would prefer to save a copy of the document in jpg, png, pdf, you can use File > Save As or pressing Ctrl-Shift-S Command instead.

Usually, Photoshop has a lot of prompts and notifications. You can read and ignore most of these and also you can tick the “Don’t show again” button underneath to not show these again.

Photoshop editing is usually made up of layers. My templates come into several layers. A layer is a part of the whole template such as the background layer, information text layer, the photo layer, etc. These layers are editable and combining all these layers produces the whole template.

You can edit the template easily. The only thing you need is a view layer’s by pressing the F7 key on the keyboard or you can click “Window” tab and click on layer’s. From that moment layers will begin be visible and you will able edit that template same as you saw in the description of the product.

See screenshot example below:

How to edit ID Templates

Photoshop Layers:

Layers are a powerful feature of Photoshop that allows you to work on one part of an image without disturbing the rest of it. Actually, this is what Photoshop is centered on.

You can show and hide each layer in an image by clicking on its corresponding eye icon in the layers palette.

Changing text in Layers:

Two times click into “T”

You will then type in the text on your keyboard

how to edit fake id basics

Sometimes, you might see this yellow notification or something similar

How to edit fake ID Templates

Do not worry, this means that your computer does not have the appropriate font. You will need to install it on your computer. Search Google and look something like “EuphemiaCAS download font.” After you download the font, you will need to double click on FONT icon, and undertake installation. Restart Photoshop and now you should not see this warning anymore. You may need to repeat this process for all missing fonts.

How to edit ID Templates

Clicking “OK” will automatically assign font as substitution.

It could be useful in some cases, but sometimes it will completely change design and looks of letters. This could have an effect on the realistic looks of ID or Documents. For example, having a different font passport scan or different font CC scan will not pass verification.

Obtaining fonts

Usually it is easy to obtain a font especially if you use a windows OS. Oftentimes, it may occur that a font can have a new or slightly different name.

For instance, font name “EuphemiaCAS” has a font family:

  • EuphemiaCAS regular
  • EuphemiaCAS light
  • EuphemiaCAS Bold

 As from my experience, light and regular are close to each other. If you cannot see a regular option choose light.

Font samples on Photoshop

Let’s say that you need font “Gentium Light” and there is nowhere on the Internet you can find it. Below on the Photoshop Font panel, you can see that all Gentium fonts are same or very similar in example.

Simply choose one of the family.

ID Editing: How to Bypass Detection

ID Editing: How to Bypass Detection

When you receive a template like the one below. You might see that font is way too clear. This causes problems in verification. Even the top scanners will not produce very clear font like this scanning glossed documents. It simply tips off verification flags. Btw see our favorite Philippines drivers license

ID Editing: How to Bypass Detection


ID Editing blurr to avoid detection


  • Lens blur and Gaussian blue will have similar effects. You may also try to “Pixelate” or “Noise.”
  • Another thing you can do is try to change opacity, fill, etc.

You can double check before and after results. The will look similar to this:

ID Editing: How to Bypass Detection
ID Editing: How to Bypass Detection

Remember to select all layers before applying blur effects. This is because you will need to add blur to all layers.

A shortcut to select all layers is CTRL + SHIFT + E

ID Bypass Detection: Exif data

This is not mandatory but all images contain EXIF Data. EXIF contains a ton of information about your camera, and potentially where the picture was taken (GPS coordinates). This may also contain names of cameras and other devices who took it, how it was produced, etc.

You can either delete this or you can edit it. The best thing to do is to edit it. There are already a lot of scans checker providers like Jumio Netverify which can flag an image with no EXIF data. This means that your scan won’t go through if you delete EXIF data.

What we want to do here is to not let anybody know that image was produced using Photoshop right? And we will rather add or change info to make image looks like it was really taken using real camera.

Keywords to research this topic on your own

Search on Google for these: exif data editor, exif data adder, exif eraser


  • List of free tools to Digital image exif data

Recommended software

  • Image Magic

There are also plenty of other softwares and information out there which is easy to do. Good luck!


Editing templates is very easy and user-friendly. See all passport templates here

These templates are made with the thought that changing info and layers will be done by various people with different skill levels. Check out the 2 posts we published on our fake templates packs, and read our best fake id site guide

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